WATERWASH Narrow River, NY, 2014 – 2021

 The only residential project in the WATERWASH series conceptualized and designed by Lillian Ball. Created in collaboration with the property owners, architect, and nature, it enhances the 15-acre site by removing invasive plants and adding native perennials and grasses. Several rain gardens installed throughout the site hold storm water as it soaks the plantings, reducing runoff and erosion, and provide the perfect environment for native plants to thrive.

An animated illustration of WATERWASH Narrow River's seven year journey from concept to habitat restoration

Before & After


WATERWASH Narrow River Raingarden Before (05/2016) & After (09/2017)


WATERWASH Narrow River Raingarden Before (05/2016) & After (07/2017)


WATERWASH Narrow Before (2016) & After (2018) After photo by Gieves Anderson for Architectural Digest

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WATERWASH Narrow Before (2016) & After (2020) Aerial View

Shinnecock Nation Museum & Cultural Center

Lillian Ball collaborated with Cholena Smith, dir of education and diverse community members, on selecting and planting native species for gardens in front of the Shinnecock Nation Museum and Cultural Center. She designed and handmade ceramic signage to identify the plants and their traditional medicinal uses for potential educational programs.


WATERWASH Mattituck Inlet, NY, 2007 - 2020